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Soal dan Jawaban Ulangan Kenaikan Kelas (UKK) Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas VII (part 1)
Soal dan Jawaban Ulangan Kenaikan Kelas (UKK) Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas VII (part 2)
36 Oani is Mr and Mrs. Syarful’s son. Dani has one sister and two brothers
So Mr. and Mrs. Syaiful have... children.
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
37. Tanti “I have an aunt She has one daughter and two sons.
They are Rini, Farid, and Dudi.”
Susi “So, what is relation among you, Farid. Rini, and Dudi?" Tanti “Rini, Farid and Dudi are my...
A. nieces C. cousins
B. nephews D. sister and brother
38. .Anto : “My grand parents have two sons. The are my father and
my uncle, Mr, Ahmad. My father has two daughters and • three sons. But my uncle has one son and one daughter" Firman : “So, how many,., do your grandparents have?"
Anto : "Seven.”
A. children C. granddaughters
B. grandsons D. grandchildren
38 Anrta : “What time... your mother usually... up in the morning?" Yulia : "At 4.00."
A do-get C. does-get
B do-gets D. does-gets
40 My brother is ill. He does not... to eat his lunch.
A. finish C. finishing
B finishes D. to finish
II. Essay
21 Complete the dialogue with suitable utterrances (Lengkapi dengan ungkapan yang tepat)!
Anto wants to go home from Indra's house. On the way, he meets Indra’s mother.
Anto “Good afternoon. Mrs Anwar?"
Mrs. Anwar : "Good afternoon. Anto.
Anto "I am fine thank you/
Mrs. Anwar “Where do you want to go?"
Anto : “ go home because the day is getting dark."
Mrs. Anwar • "Oh, I see. Don't you want to spend the night here?" Ante . "Oh, no. Thank you. I will have an English test
tomorrow..... next time.”
Mrs. Anwar : “See you, too.”
42. The teacher wants to give English test to the student. He wants the students to write their name on their paper.
The teacher....... “
Student “All right, sir"
43. Combine the two sentences below using and
(Gabungkan kedua kalimat di bawah ini dengan menggunakan and)
The teacher needs a pen to write a letter
The teacher needs a piece ofpaperto write a letter
44. Complete the paragraph with the words in the list bellow (Lengkapi paragraf di bawah ini dengan kata-kata yang tersedia).
goes - comes - have - puts - does - brings Tuti .. home from school at 2 AM. She ., her school bag in her bedrbofn She goes to the bathroom to take wudhu then she Dzuhur prayer. After that she goes to the diningroom to^. iMpch with her family After she finishes her lunch, she to the bedroom to take a nap.
45. Fill in the puzzle (Isi teka-teki di bawah ini)!
1. The students are eating and drinking at the school.
2. The teacher always gives the students some....
3. The class is full. No one is....
4. The students can borrow books from .. in their school.
5. I don’t... the meaning of this word. I must look it up in my dictionary.
Kunci Jawaban Ulangan Kenaikan Kelas (UKK) Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas VII (part 3)
36. -
37 Arti kata cousins adalah keponakan.
Jawaban: C
38. Arti kata grandchildren adalah cucu.
Jawaban: D
39. What time does your mother usually get up in the morning?
Kalimat di atas merupakan Simple Present Tense.
Kalimat tanya (interogatif) menggunakan kata kerja bantu dodoes.
Do digunakan bila subjeknya I, you, we, they, the children, dan lain-lain.
Does digunakan bila subjeknya she, her mother, he, it, dan Iain-lain.
Setelah dodoes lalu menggunakan kata ketja infinitive (kata kerja dasar).
Jamban: C ,
40 He doesn't finish to eat his lunch.
Kalimat di atas merupakan Simple Present Tense Bentuk kalimat negative (-) pola kalimatnya adalah:
Subject + do not/does not + Verb-1 (Infinitive)
Jawaban: A
II. Jawaban Soal Uraian (Essay)
Melengkapi dialog:
Anto wants to go home from Indra’s house. On the way, he meets Indra's mother
"Good afternoon. Mrs. Anwar?”
‘Good afternoon, Anto. How are youT ‘I am fine thank you'
“Where do you want to go?’
Mrs Anwar Anto
Mrs Anwar
Mrs. Anwar Anto
Mrs. Anwar
Theteacher Students
“ I want to go home because the day is gettir^j dark." ‘Oh, I see. Don’t you want to spend the night here?" ‘Oh. no. Thank you. I wffl have an English test tomorrow. See you next time."
“See you, too.*
"Don't forget to write your name on the paper!"
"All right sir.’
43. The teacher needs a pen and a piece of paper to write a letter.
Tub comes home from school at2 AM. Sheputs her school bag in her bedroom. She goes to the bathroom to take wudhu then she does Dzuhur prayer. After that she goes to the diningroom to have lunch with her family. After she finishes her lunch, she goes to the bedroom to take a nap.44. Isiteka-teki:
1. Canteen
2. Homework
3. Absent 4 Library 5. Know