Text 1 UMPTN 1999 Rayon A
In almost every developing
country, the lack of adequate supplies of cheap, convenient and reliable fuel
is a major problem. Rural communities depend largely on kerosene, wood, and
dung for their cooking and lighting needs, but kerosene is now priced out of
reach of many people and wood, except in heavily forested areas, is in
short supply. The search for firewood occupies a large *
part of working day and has resulted in widespread deforestation.
Dung is in constant
supply wherever there are farm animals and. when dried, it is convenient to
store and use. But burning dung destroy its value as fertilizer, thus depriving
the soil of a much needed source of humus and nitrogen.
Rural areas of
developing countries are also plagued by a lack of adequate sanitation.
Improper waste disposal spreads disease, contaminates water sources and
provides feeding grounds for disease-carrying insects.
The problem of improving environmental hygiene, conserving
sources, and finding alternative source of fuel may be unrelated. Their
solution, however, are not, as many countries experimenting with biogas
technology are discovering. Biogas, a mixture of methane and carbon dioxide, is
produced by the fermentation of organic matter. The process of anaerobic
fermentation is a natural one. Occurring whenever living matter decomposes. By
keeping the matter-and the process-in a digester or biogas plan, the
combustible gas can be trapped and used as fuel for household lighting and
cooking. The digested slurry that remains can be used on the land as a soil
conditioner and fertilizer.
1999 Rayon A No 66
What are
the two problems mentioned in the text?
A. Pollution and the high price of fuel
B. Widespread deforestation and the use of dung
C. The lack of adequate fuel
and hygienic conditions
D. The lack of humus and nitrogen in the soil
E. Contaminated
water sources and rural areas
1999 Rayon A No. 67
What is the text mainly about?
A. Socio-economic problems in developing
B. The process
of producing biogas
C. The
effect of burning dung on the soil
D. Biogas as a solution to many problems
E. The advantages of using
dung as fuel
1999 Rayon A No. 68
The disadvantage of traditional fuel used in developing
countries is that they .....
A. reduce people's energy
B. are difficult to extract
C. make the soil poor
D. do not meet people needs
E. cause
damage to the environment
1999 Rayon A No. 69
The main
factor causing the lack of adequate sanitation is .
A. the
domestic use of biogas
B. the great
number of farm animals
C. the
pollution of water sources
D. the
badly-managed waste disposal
E. the increase of disease-carrying insects
20. UMPTN 1999 Rayon A No. 70
Why is the digested slurry of the
fermented organic
matter considered valuable?
A. It improves the quality of soil for
B. It increases the export from developing
C. It is considered a relatively cheap
D. ft is the best fertilizer in the world
E. It can be used as fuel for
Text / UMPTN 1999 Rayon B
Though some foods, such as rice,
wheat and other cereals, can be ripened and then stored for years before they
deteriorate, other foods, such as meat and fish, normally deteriorate quickly.
Generally, if food is to be eaten weeks or months after it has been killed or
harvested, the process of decay must be halted by treating the food in a way
which does not make it unpalatable. But no single method of preservation is
suitable for all types of food.
The traditional
method of dying, smoking, salting or pickling food were widely used long before
it was known why these methods were effective. It is now known that the process
of decay are accelerated by enzymes already present in the food jells and bacteria or other microorganisms which maybe present
or may come from external sources IV presen e food from decav. it is
necessary either to destroy the bacteria or to create an environment in which
bacteria cannot multiply and enzimes
are inactivated. Bacteria can be destroyed by heat, and be inactivated by
depriving them of moisture. Enzimes can be inactivated by cold or by
reducing the moisture content.
The moisture
content of food can be reduced by drying it in the sun or by other means. Meat
or fish suspended over a smoking fire is partly dried and the smoke also has
bactericidal properties. But to understand why salt ami vinegar are effective
preservatives, it is necessary to consider some physical properties.
1999 Rayon B No. 66
The topic of the whole text is____________ .
A. food
B. the
prucess of decay
C. the
enzymes in food cells
D. the best
method of drying meat
E. the moisture content of food
1999 Rayon B No 67
What speeds up the processes of decay?
A. Moisture
and heat
B. Enzymes
and heat
C. Bacteria
and moisture
D. Enzymes and bacteria
E. Moisture and enzymes
1999 Rayon B No. 68
Smoke is used to preserve meat because it_________
A. improves
the taste of meat
B. reduces the number of food cells
C. dries the meat and kills the bacteria
D. promote the growth of micro-organisms
E. accelerates the process of
activating enzymes
1999 Rayon B No. 69
... the process of decay must be halted by treating
the food in a wav which does not make it unpalatable (lines 3-5)
The underlined words indicate that the food
is treated in a way that can .
A. keep the food fresh
B. preserve the flavor of the food
C. prevent the food from getting soft
D. make the food taste much better
E. store the food for later use
1999 .Rayon B No. 70
Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE about methods of
A. Our ancestors knew several methods of
B. Pickling vegetables is an old way of
C. Dry ing fish in the sun is a
familiar method of preservation
D. Traditional methods of
preservation are very effective
E. The only correct method of preservation for
every kind of food is smoking
Text I UMPTN 1999 Rayon C
Many of us
still believe that in order to be healthy we must have eight hours of sleep a
night; or that if we sleep poorly over a period of time, we'll get lines in our
faces, bags under our eyes, a worn look, and worst of all, be unable to perform
our daily tasks effectively.
"Untrue." says Dr. Alice Kuhn Schwartz, psychologist and
co-author of Somniquest. "You may look awful to yourself, but except for
the first hour or so in the morning when you probably will be puffy-eyed due to
depletion of a certain hormone that's the result of lack of sleep, you’ll soon
look like your usual self and perform normally. If you do feel worn, the cause
is stress. Also, there is no number of hours you must sleep to maintain good
health. Some people get along beautifully on four and a half hour, others sleep
nine hours. Anywhere within that range is normal."
Recent studies of patient at sleep clinic have revealed significant
facts about the cause of insomnia as well as ways to deal with it. It is no
surprise that stress and depression (over family, health, job, or other
problems) are
linked to insomnia. Also, insomnia may be caused by physical illness;
itching, aches, asthma, arthritis, ulcers, and heart problems that involve
shortness of breath or difficult in breathing.
In order to overcome insomnia, millions
of Americans turn to drugs-both over-the-counter drugs and prescription drug.
"No pill will produce normal sleep." says Dr. James Minard, sponsor
of Sleep Studies at New Jersey Medical School. "You reach no proper levels
of sleep through a pill; you're merely sedated."
1999 Rayon C No. 66
The topic of the text is___________ .
A. the role
of sleep in keeping us healthy
B. the way people look after a sleepless night
C. the way to overcome insomnia
D. the result of not being able to sleep
E. opinion and findings on
1999 Rayon C No. 67
Which of
the following statements is NOT TRUE according to Dr. Schwartz?
A. Lack of sleep may lead to
the depletion of a certain hormone
B. Some people need more sleep than others
C. If people do not enough
sleep, they will work inefficiently
D. Stress is one of the causes of insomnia
E. Health does not depend on
the hours of sleep
1999 Rayon C No. 68
'You may look awful to yourself in
line 4 - 5 implies that .
A. others do
not look awful
B. you do
not see that you look awful
C. others
find that you look awful
D. you think
that others do not look well
E. you may loo^ fine to others
29. UMPTN 1999 Rayon C No. 69
Findings show that the following
are causes of insomnia. except .
A. illnesses D. tiredness
B. headaches E. frustration
C. problems
30. From
the text we may conclude that_____________ .
A. studies
have found the cure for insomnia
B. insomnia
may lead to heavy depression
C. pills are
an effective cure for insomnia
D. sleep
clinics are becoming very popular
E. insomnia cannot be cured by drugs
Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris 2 Reading text UMPTN (part 2)
16. Dua
permasalahan yang dipaparkan wacana adalah ketidakmemadainya bahan bakar,
seperti diulas paragraf I dan 2, dan kondisi kesehatan lingkungan yang
memprihatinkan, seperti terlihat pada paragraf 3 dan 4.
: C
17. Dari
deskriptif tentang kekurangan bahan bakar dengan berbagai penyebab dan
pengaruhnya pada paragraf pertama dan kedua, dan ulasan keberadaaan kondisi
kesehatan lingkungan yang memprihatinkan pada paragrag 3 dan 4, dapat
disimpulkan bahwa wacana di atas hendak mengetengahkan masalah- masalah
sosial-ekonomi (socio-economic problems) di negara-negara berkembang.
: A
18. Pada kalimat
terakhir paragraf pertama dinyatakan bahwa pencarian kayu bakar telah
mengakibatkan meluasnya penggundulan hutan (the search for firewood ...
has resulted in widespread deforestation), dan pada kalimat terakhir paragraf
kedua dinyatakan bahwa pembakaran kotoran hewan merusak kandungan kotoran itu
sebagai pupuk yang padahal sangat dibutuhkan oleh tanah sebagai sumber humus
dan nitrogen (...burning dung destroys its value as fertilizer, thus
depriving the soil of much needed source of humus and nitrogen). Dengan
demikian penggunaan bahan bakar tradisional seperti di atas memiliki
mudbarat/kerugian karena dapat mengakibatkan gangguan lingkungan (cause
damage to the environment).
: E
19. Faktor utama yang mengakibatkan kekurang- memadainya kondisi kesehatan
lingkungan adalah, seperti dinyatakan kalimat terakhir paragraf ke 3,
pembuangan sampah yang tdak teratur (badly man-
aged' improper waste disposal).
: D
20. Kalimat
terakhir paragraf terakhir menyatakan The diggested slurry that remains
can be used on the land as soil conditioner and fertilizer’, bahwa
lumpur yang tersisa dapat digunakan sebagai bahan perangsang dan
pupuk bagi tanah. Ini mengartikan bahwa lumpur tadi (slurry) dapat meningkatkan kualitas tanah.
Jawaban : A
21. Paparan wacana dengan jelas mengulas
mengapa dan bagaimana melakukah pengawetan makanan (food preservation).
: A
22. Seperti
dinyatakan kalimat kedua paragraf 2 'It is now known that the processes
of decay are accelerated by enzimes already
present in the food cells and by bacteria or
other micro-organisms which may be already present' bahwa
proses pembusukan dipercepat oleh hadirnya enzim dan bakteria. Accelerated = speed up.
: D
23. Seperti
dipaparkan kalimat kedua paragraf 3 'Meat or fish suspended over a
smoking fire is partly dried and the smoke also has bactericidal properties' bahwa daging atau ikan digantung di atas perapian untuk dikeringkan, dan
asap (dan perapian) mengandung zat-zat pembunuh bakteri.
Jawaban : C
24. Arti dari kalimat 'by treating the
food in a way which does not make it unpalatable' adalah
mengolah makanan sedemikian rupa dengan tidak menjadikan makanan tersebut tidak
enak. Ini sama aninya dengan usaha tersebut dilakukan dengan tetap menjaga
cita- rasa makanan bersangkutan (preset e the flatour of the
: B
25. Pilihan (E)
berkontadiksi dengan pcrnyataan kalimat terakhir paragraf pertama yang
menyatakan bahwa tak ada satu pun metode pengawetan yang cocok untuk digunakan
bagi semua jents makanan, yang mengimplikasikan setiap jenis makanan akan
mengambil metode yang berlainan
: E
26. Inti cerita
yang disampaikan wacana berkisar tentang ragam pendapat dan temuan-temuan
berkenaan dengan gejala susah tidur (opinions and findings on insomnia). Ini terlihat dari kontraslif pendapat kebanyakan kita pada
paragraf 1 dengan pendapat yangdikemukakanoleh Dr. Alice Kuhn Schwart pada paragraf 2 dengan paparan bukti empirik pada paragraf 3 dan 4.
: E
27. Pilihan (C)
berkontradiksi dengan sanggahan Dr.Alice: 'Untrue'
(tidak benar) yang merujuk pada pernyataan kalimat terakhir paragraf : be unable to perform daily task efficiently'
(orang kurang tidur tidak bisa melakukan tugasnya sehari-hari dengan
: C
28. You may look awful to yourself memiliki
pengertian 'Anda mengkin kelihaian mengerikan bagi diri sendiri’, yang belum
tentu bagi orang lain dimana orang lain mungkin tidak tahu tampang normal Anda
Jajahan : E
29. Yang bukan penyebab insomnia adalah kelelahan
Jawaban : D
30. Dari pernyataan-pernyataan kalimat terakhir'No
pill will produce normal sleep' (tidak ada pil yang dapat membawa pada tidur
normal) dan 'You reach no proper levels of sleep through pill: youYe merely
sedated' (Anda tidak akan mencapai tingkat tidur yang semestinya dengan
perantara pil. anda hanya tenang dibuatnya), mengimplikasikan bahwa insomnia/
susah tidur memang tidak bisa disembuhkan oleh obat (insomnia cannot be cured
by drugs).
Jawaban : E